Thursday, September 30, 2010

'A different clientele'

At last night's Ward Forum on the Development Plan (more on that soon Gurnites, particularly a few comments on the numbers game that seems to revolve around the projected numbers of houses) a member of the public was concerned about the clash next week between Scotia's Masterplan Modelling workshop summing up meeting and the Ward Forum (Weds 6th) on the Town Centre Plan B proposals.
Louise Clark's response on the behalf of the Ward Forum was interesting:
"I’m afraid that Scotia didn’t have the foresight to me and I actually knew nothing about it until Cllr Graham (Marsden) mentioned it quite by chance and then I did speak to planning but by that time we had the adverts out and we had the papers ready and I did speak to Scotia as well to say well look there is a clash and they decided, well they said very oddly, 'We have different clientele', which I think was the wrong thing to say. However, they were advised by me that there was a clash but from our point of view they just didn’t speak to us in time, simple as that."
A different clientele? What could they possible mean by that? Scotia's numbers could well be sharply down as many will opt to go to the very important meeting concerning the town centre (including we expect, many of the usual suspects).

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