Saturday, November 07, 2015

"Consultation" - something that communities get from those with the real power?

This week the West Highland Press's Gaelic columnist Angus Peter Campbell featured his thoughts on "consultation" in his weekly article. Here's part of what he said - in Gàidhlig for those Garlicky Gurnites first:

 "Seo an rud: nam biodh cumhachd aig na coimhearsnachdan mar bu chòir, cha bhiodh feum sam bith air “cocomhairleachadh”, oir chan fheumadh na h-ùghdarrasan faighneachd airson beachdan – bhiodh na coimhearsnachdan cheana air innse dhaibh."

"This is the thing: if communities had the power that they should have, there would be no need of "consultation", because the authorities would not need to ask for opionions - the communities would have already told them."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Devolving power means letting go of it and what political party is going to do that unless you're a utopian green? Lip service, maybe