Nairnites seem to have ignored the tabloid headlines about the impending petrol famine that will lead to carmageddon and there is no rush to the pumps. For once politicians may be telling the truth. The A96 was quite this morning, maybe people will give the Golden Mile retail park a miss today?

Glad to hear that Nairn has so far escaped any fuel shortage.
(Posting from an hotel in Valencia on my way back north,eventually to Nairn, on 6th May)
Have a good journey Bill, watched your videos and heard the itinery. Sounds like a very pleasant voyage beckons.
sxkyI took the train from Nairn to Inverness today. Seemed busy with most Nairnites having to stand for the journey into the big city.
Got to to be able to do some shopping therapy somehow!
Was anyone from Seabank Road trying to sneak back into town with a barrel of cheap chipfat from the Metropolis?
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