There was a lot of talk about cuts and parking charges at the River CC meeting on Wednesday night in the Community and Arts Centre. It looks like we will have to start to visualise Nairn High Street without any Christmas Lights this year. Here's what Liz had to say.
"It's so depressing when you think we don't even know how we are going to get the Christmas Lights up...It's seven and a half thousands pounds coming out of Nairn again...Nairn, Auldearn and Cawdor. Council guys put the lights up and they're not going to do it anymore."
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No more visits for the Highland Council fleet of cherry pickers at Christmas time unless someone can find 7.5K? |
Absolutely disgraceful, so the lights that probably cost in the thousands of pounds are just going to be in storage, why on earth do we have a common good fund that is not put to use, whoever made these
decisions should hang there heads in shame. and God knows what our visitors who come to celebrate the festive season in nairn will think, what an embarrassment !
Sack on of our councillors the will more than pay for it, then again while we are at it sack the lot of them.
Yeah Doc, you nailed it. Charges for parking, charges for cludgies and not even any Christmas Lights - lovely, come to Nairn for a bleak Christmas? Fail to understand why three of our councillors voted for this.
Is this Xmas lights withdrawal only happening in Nairnshire or is it all towns in Highland including Inverness?
Forres have a small band of hard working locals who erect the xmas lights every year and also fundraise to replace bulbs, replace lights ect. The council have no input into the forres lights whatsoever. I am sure Nairn will do likewise.
Who runs the council for nairn?
On a more positive note, I personally have no issue with paying to use the toilets if they are of a decent standard as the current ones are absolutely disgusting. When we go away on holidays a lot of the toilets charge but when they do the toilets are mostly manned and reasonably clean. I think it's ludicrous for the council to stop funding some of the costs for the Christmas lights, if we end up having to fund and do our own we probably won't have any as even if we managed to fundraise and do it on our own where on earth would you store them for the following year?
There is no Nairn Council no more, there is a Highland Council which many feel is just far, far too big and the lion's share of everything going to Inverness.
One of the big problems when people come together to do something - bonfire night is a prime example - is the red tape which council officials roll out. People who want to do anything are often caught between a rock and a hard place by bureaucracy.
NICE might erect nice Xmas lights?
@Anon 7:54
No NICE would form a Christmas Light Committee, have meetings, hire a Christmas light specialist, survey the High Street, have meetings, place an advert in the Nairnshire, hold a public meeting, hold a meeting, look at funding, hold a meeting by which time half of them are deceased. NICE
As anon says above re red tape: Red tape crucified all efforts to get a fireworks display and they have put it off until they have another attempt to get the permissions this year.
@anon 8.48 Not just Tom Heggie but Peter Saggers and Laurie Fraser voted for these measures that were contained in the ruling administrations budget.
the council seem hell bent on killing Nairn with the cuts,
couldn't we fight back,let the showies use the maggot,as its common good land,
the rent could be lowered for showmen,and the cash raised could go back into common good fund,either that,use the farmers showfield,thats not council owned either,
the council are depriving us with all these cuts,so lets deprive them of showmens huge rents they charge them.
mr.hugh jarse.
Links is Common Good anon
If Inverness gets Xmas lights, we will have to chain ourselves to the railings
outside their town house.
As it happens, I just have received back an FoI from HC re Xmas decorations.
I am a bit puzzled as there doesn't seem to be mention of Nairn (and unclear reference to my area of interest, Thurso), but I'll be getting a yearly breakdown of Inverness shortly, so that might be cleared-up.
The budget reduction is supposed to bring parity across the region, but aint going to make much difference with the Inverness Common Good Fund.
I phrased that poorly. Nairn and Cawdor *is* there (and yearly breakdown tbc as with Inverness) but says n/a for funding purposes... I'm unsure what this means but mebbe ewe no more.
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