Monday, February 02, 2015

Full moon energy ceremony Clava Cairns Tuesday 3rd Feb

This sounds like an interesting one that would appeal to those gurnites with strong eco-spiritual leanings:

"You are invited to join in meditation from wherever you are for this February Snow Moon, Full Moon. As we call upon the energy of Clava Cairns near Inverness in Scotland," says the Facebook page.

The information continues to state that Patricia Cardona of the Cosmic Mysteries School will be present at the ceremony. Patricia " runs a series of Full Moon Meditations, each month is focused on a different sacred site around the world. This is the 26th Full Moon in the 52 Full Moon series. This Full Moon February 3, 2015, we will be celebrating the sacred site of Clava Cairns, Scotland!"

Looks like this will be a chance to top up your energy after a long winter. This observer is indeed tempted to go and give it a try, personally it's been a while but there's something to be said for catching a winter or summer solstice event at standing stones, etc. Perhaps a Snow Full Moon ceremony might be the same sort of experience. Details are given of a previous experience at Clava:

"The ceremony we performed together was amazing! Very powerful energy gathered at Clava Cairns partially because it is a powerful site, and partially because our groups together shared our heart opening ceremony with the forces of nature and with our wonderful group of friends!"  More details on Facebook here. 

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