Temporary Police Station 2009?
According to the Inverness Courier, the Nairn bobbies will be flitting to offices in Courthouse Lane next year during the period when their present station will be demolished and a new one built on the present site. Will they be moving into the old finance office or the building closer to the A96? This begs the question, will the Co-op (the new owners of Somerfield) have the old community centre demolished before the flit as part of the deal that was on the table before the supermarket take-over? If not it seems a bit hard to imagine a big ball and chain going through that huge wall on the left of the picture if the building next door were full of policemen at the same time, even if they were in the other building things would still be fairly close. And, er, if the other building is where they are going, isn't that due for demolition too? Picture will enlarge.
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