Local government workers on the picket line at the Courthouse claim 100% support in Nairn for their one day national scottish strike. Several union members had gathered before nine at the front entrance of the Courthouse on the High Street and elsewhere in the town other Highland Council employees were gathering before they too made their way to the High Street.
By 0930 a sizable number of pickets and protesters were to be seen outside Nairnshire's municipal headquarters.

Come to the Gurn for news as it happens. Well impressed! However, I do wonder what planet these stikers live on. These are tough times for all of us. Their selfish answer is to deny me access to services I have already paid for. Have they forgotten that they don't work for some anonymous, faceless institution. They work for you and me. We all face tough times and this is no way to resolve conflict. For obvious reasons, I shall remain anonymous and faceless myself!
fully support these protestors , my mum being among them, she was telling me about some of the people who were just plain rude to them today
stand your ground i say
I would like to say how much I admire these people, knowing only to well how much hard work and dedication they put in each and every day. I would like to offer my support as we all deserve the right to voice our opinion.
as said before
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