Tuesday, April 22, 2014

306 responses to NICE Town Centre Survey

The volunteers who set up the survey centainly had a very good response. Interesting that the digital responses outstripped the hard-copy submissions by 2-1 - an example of the way things are now, obviously most people now prefer to go the on-line route. NICE are reporting on their website in reference to the forthcoming charrette at the end of the month

"As one of the partners in this consultation NICE invited the community to participate and prepared a survey to ascertain local views. The response has been very encouraging with 216 online responses and 90 hard-copy forms. A range of questions covered additional facilities and services that may or may not be advantageous and respondents were asked to rate these on a scale of 1-5. Subjects covered included parking, buses, taxis, cycles, access and regeneration. Responses have been converted to average weighted and give a clear picture of public views in relation to each of these issues."

The survey information has been placed on easy to read documents that are accessible on this page here and contain a fascination mix of thoughts and ideas, big and small, about what we can do to improve the town centre - well worth a browse if you have a quite moment over the next few days. This remarkable quantity of information just about does the  job for the consultants that are running the charrette really but that event also presents another chance for anyone who has not contributed their thoughts to the mix so far to make their views on improving the town centre known.

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