"An early start to work on the community centre should send out a signal that we are back in business and I am confident it will be the catalyst to a wide range of improvements to our town."
Three years ago Somerfield seemed ready to start their expansion, but any new town centre supermarket seems to now be up in the air. Perhaps something could be revealed this week at the Sainsbury’s hearing but who knows?
The announced £500,000 of improvements to the High Street has only started this year, with the controversial streetscaping of the Brae.
The new Nairn hospital isn’t finished as yet, but as predicted Social Work staff have moved there.
We do have our new community centre but it has saddled the town with debt due to Sandown land not being sold as yet.
Our unique bandstand has been refurbished but we have yet to see the ‘wide range of improvements’ that Sandy had hoped for.
Predictions for three years hence anyone?
"That you might be able to spell Brae"..!
Only joking don't take it personally...
Some very good points raised but as usual oor Sandy coughs and a load of mince is disloged..!
Spelling corrected (Thank you :)
Plenty of mince!
What about Ballocks.Do they get dislodged or cut off.?
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