The tortured journey for those of us traveling through Nairn just got worse with long tail backs starting to build either way, with no hope of the temporary lights being in sync with any of the permanent ones.
Would it be too much to ask for the contractors to put some signs up with a guesstimate of the time such works might take? (Hours, Days etc)
it seems these days anyone can grab a set of traffic lights and put them up with no prior warning wherever they wish !
There is good news for all those Sainsbury supporters and traffic light lovers. Part of their solution to deal with our already congested roads, which will get worse as they target Inverness shoppers to travel to Nairn for their weekly shop, is to bring another 4 sets of traffic lights to Nairn. Apparently that will solve our problem. Why didn't we think of that? And all along we thought a by-pass was the solution!
Good point, actually - how congested would the A96 be if the people of Nairn didn't have to keep driving out of town and back just for weekly shopping?
couldnt believe the tailback caused by those lights today, the queue stretched from somerfield garage right down to beyond the Parish churchon my way back i noticed the lights had been taken down, perhaps they were told to shut down because of the huge traffic jam it was causing
Sainsbury’s or not Nairnites will make one journey per week for their weekly shopping which takes them onto the A96 no matter which town they are driving to (Nairn, Forres, Inverness etc), so we are not going to change the local volume of traffic on the A96 depending on where we shop.
The Highland Council planners - or is it BEAR Scotland - who are responsible for the A96 should look at that experiment conducted in some town in Holland. All the traffic lights, road signs and markings were removed and guess what? Traffic flowed more freely, drivers paid a lot more attention at junctions, accident rates went down...
What chance of running such an experiment on the A96 through Nairn? The results might be surprising.
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