Saturday, December 03, 2011

What's going on at Nairn Academy tonight?

Earlier in the week the Gurn had witnessed men in white suits up at the Academy on Wednesday the day of the strike. Now one of our regular readers sends these pictures taken earlier in the evening (02/12/11). Our correspondent states: "Seems to be a hazardous substance removal as they are sealing up the front reception area and have what looks like a decon unit outside and a tent with a sealed skip."
A larger version of the second picture is available here.

Regular readers will know there have been asbestos-related problems at the Academy in the past and will be aware of the investigate work published by local journalist Donald Wilson in the Highland News concerning Asbestos in Highland Schools.


Anonymous said...

nice to know the school tell's us these things!!!

watching the detectives said...

There's been a murder

Anonymous said...

Given publicity in recent years about asbestos concerns and the debacle over the classrooms being showered in artex containing asbestos, Highland Council surely should have informed parents about this work.
Inevitably parents (and staff and pupils) deserve answers. A statement should have been issued beforehand.

Graisg said...

We've had an anonymous suggestion that senior pupils were informed of the nature of this work. Nothing on the Academy website however.