Sandy Park proposed the Deveron Homes outline application for Sandown be refused and was backed by all around the table to applause from the public benches:
What some of the objectors said:
Dr Joan Noble: ' Nairn shouldn't have to prostitute itself to raise money for Highland Council'
Australian mannie married to a Nairn women : 'You live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. For God's sake don't build this crap'.
John Mackie, suburban community council: 'Bag it and bin it!'.
The amazing sight of out of town councillors backing the local councillors and the people of Nairn. could this be the start of further bridge building between the Council and the community? A fuller report and pictures later. It's a beautiful day Gurnites and our protests have been heard, understood and acted on. Enjoy, even rejoice if you like :-)
Turning down the new planning application by Deveron Homes is a major step by our council. The view held in some quarters that any sort of A96 development is inevitable has been well and truly knocked on the head, as has the thought that our councillors are unprepared to listen to the clear concerns of the electorate. It’s not often that I do, but today I truly take my hat off to them and say well done, the cynical part in me thought that the developer’s new plans would automatically get the rubber stamp, clearly not.
It will be interesting to see what Deveron the potential developers will do now. Sandown was an ambitious project that needed a large amount of investment as well as rapid sales of the properties once built, and in the current economic climate I wonder what part of the Sandown development they will want to keep if any? No-doubt our council will be blamed in some way for the project not being economically viable without the raised number of houses.
Long may Nairn’s new found democracy live!
We might get a new Bailey Bridge at the Caravan Site, now that they are so accomplished at building briges.
If the developer had applied some common sense and aimed for about 300 -350 houses, they may have had a chance. At 550,the number of houses in this application though was way beyond a reasonable amount though.
So how many will they re-apply for? Anyone running a sweep? I'll go for 400.
One thought did occur to me though - Where is the money going to come from to pay off the balance of the Community Centre build costs?
Overall though, the right decision made on the day
Excellent to see the local councillors representing the people - must have been very difficult for Sandy, though, as wasn't he a key architect in all this?
Either way, I think it sends an important signal to developers that they need to plan intelligently, and not take the people of Nairn for granted.
If Sandown is going to be up for tender again could we not organise a community buyout? The majority of the population of Nairn don’t want another housing scheme no matter how architecturally appealing it may be. The open spaces of Sandown are priceless and I’m sure much more appealing to everyone, both Nairnites and tourists alike rather than some more faceless housing.
Well done Sandy, sense at last prevails. It would have ruined the Altonburn area ambience with all these houses. Far too many in the application and I hope they dont try another assault by reducing the numbers.
Next job for Sandy. Get the 30 odd folk off the Nairn Allotment Society waiting list by laying out another 40 odd plots on Sandown. Could be set up in a flash with a few fence posts and some wire.
Could Danny Alexander not buy Sandown for the people of Nairn on his expenses?
I'm certain it would be a sure fire vote winner and would beat getting your moat cleaned out or buying a new razor!
Promise we won't tell anyone Danny.
Is that what they call a "hidden agenda"? The Plot thickens.
Leave Sandy alone, he's just doing his job and manages to change his own lightbulbs and as far as we know he hasn't had a helicopter landing pad or a moat installed at public expense.
Compared to some of the Westminster egyts he's first class value.
But everyone knows,the lights are always brighter in Auldearn.
Be true! PX
At least everyone is happy that the landscape can be destroyed on the East side of Nairn, but not the west. That is what I love about this place total inconsistency.
This Sandown episode is a little chapter in a bigger and longer saga. It shows that when people who care about the town get together, mobilise and engage with the authorities, it is possible to influence decisions and get results.
Amid the relief, the satisfaction and the remarks about Sandy Park and others , this is the comment that really matters:
Anonymous said...
At least everyone is happy that the landscape can be destroyed on the East side of Nairn, but not the west. That is what I love about this place total inconsistency.Anonymous has a point. But it's not East versus West, or Fishertown and uptown. It's about all of Nairn. Like Sandown, there are other developments happening (Maggot) or planned (South Nairn, Delnies) that will affect the whole town. And there are developments that are not happening, but ought to (Somerfield site, the Regal, the old bus station).
Only if Nairnites are prepared to devote time and effort, take part in meetings, and exert influence effectively by using the channels that are available, will we get the kind of Nairn we want. So let's see more residents at Community Council meetings - let's see a unified Community Council - let's make sure our elected councillors know that they are accountable. If we want to make this town better, we have to be prepared to stand up, speak up, and act...
@ anon(23.28) Sorry the Gurn is not very well-informed about what happened at Auldearn re the number of houses that were allowed etc. If you are sure of your facts and sources then the internet allows you too to publish your thoughts. Ever thought of your own blog? No one has to go through gate-keepers to get information published anymore.
But when you say:
'Don't want to be a pourer of cold water but watch what happens next.' Yes indeed, the objectors to the Sandown Proposal are under no illusions.
yes why not more plots at sandown. we did say this before let the folk on the waiting list have a go. the common good ground is their to use for all of us. come on sandy more plots for nairn.
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