Ashley e-mailed the Gurn with a few details about himself: "Further to your communication I am indeed the Scottish Labour Party candidate for the forthcoming Highland Council elections in Nairn. As for my chances, well that is for the electorate to determine.
As to my background, I have over 30 years experience in local government, 18 of these as a senior manager in Highland Council. Prior to my retirement 5 years ago I held the position of Inverness Area Roads & Community Works Manager. Duties included the daily management of roads, open space, and streetscape together with annual planning of winter gritting operations. Other previous posts within Highland included Head of Service responsibility for leisure facility management together with operational co-ordination for parks and green open space, refuse collection, street cleaning and cemeteries. So I possess an in-depth management knowledge of a raft of public services and would, if elected, hopefully use these skills to shape policy for delivery of quality services for residents of and visitors to Nairnshire.
Having lived in Nairn for the past 10 years and prior to that 13 years in Culloden Moor, I am well aware of the needs of all Nairn communities and would meet the challenge of elected service with integrity and enthusiasm.
I believe that it is time for change in the political balance of local politics and a vote for me is a vote for a brighter future through a return to local democracy. If elected I will always put Nairn's interest first and strongly defend any proposals to cut existing service levels. Indeed, through the vehicle of developing new community partnerships, I would hope to establish growth in amenity provision and restore civic pride in Nairnshire.
In conclusion I trust my fellow candidates will share my vision for the future of Nairn and look forward to the election campaign over the next 7 weeks."
We've added Ashley's twitter page to our list of candidate links in the sidebar. We've also added Oor Graham's dormant twitter account, perhaps that will see some activity in the next few weeks or maybe our resident LibDem will be relying on just the traditional methods of electioneering.
Also on the digital election front. Colin MacAulay adds some pictures to his Facebook page.
1 comment:
Would not get my vote at the moment and it would be nothing to do with the politics. I would be concerned that he has been a public servant for so long he may only be able to see things from the council's point of view, which I perceive to be a narrow corporate take on economic growth. He may feel that the has to convince the electorate that they must accept the 'corporate view' and he may be unable to look with fresh eyes using lateral thinking to really get to know the other ways that people think about things. It could be more about 'elect me' and I will do what I think is best rather than representing the public views. Who knows what it means to be a councillor these days and what their role is. I certainly feel much less certain abut what I am voting for and what my expectation should be of the elected officials. Does anyone know where I can get this information. Who can I call for advice?
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