The stream of faithful readers heading into the Co-op tonight to buy tomorrow's Nairnshire Telegraph were soon digesting the shock news that Sandy Park, Convener of Highland Council, is not standing again in the forthcoming elections. Rush and out get your Nairnshire now (still thirty minutes at the time of writing this 9.30. p.m.) for the full story.

Earlier this year Sandy had indicated that he would be standing again. This observer would have had him pencilled in as one of the four candidates that would definitely get past the complicated PR quota system that is used for the Council elections. That leaves the field open now to six candidates (that have declared so far). That'll be Liz, Graham, Laurie, Colin, a Labour mannie and a mannie from Newton Gate who keeps writing letters to the Nairnshire that are very hard to digest. Of course others could emerge from the woodwork yet. In the meantime however pick 4 from 6.
B*****, that puts Graham in the running again
Greendad shares your concern out there on twitter tonight.
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