Also see the articles below, here and here for details of how to help and more information on the issue.
'Provost Liz said...
I'd like to thank the Gurn for helping organise the petition to save McLean Court day care service. There is no similar alternative provision in Nairn at present, the attendee's are too frail for the lunch club and too able for the Manor (which cares for people with high dependancy needs).McLean Court provides an excellent service valued by attenders, families and the people of Nairn and should be retained.A proposed budget cut of £35K which enables this service is unacceptable and I shall be moving against it at the Highland Council meeting on 12th February.
I'd like to thank the Gurn for helping organise the petition to save McLean Court day care service. There is no similar alternative provision in Nairn at present, the attendee's are too frail for the lunch club and too able for the Manor (which cares for people with high dependancy needs).McLean Court provides an excellent service valued by attenders, families and the people of Nairn and should be retained.A proposed budget cut of £35K which enables this service is unacceptable and I shall be moving against it at the Highland Council meeting on 12th February.
RegardsProvost Liz
p.s. my first blog ever, because I feel so strongly about this issue '
UPDATE: successful petition session outside the Courthouse today 10-12 a.m. Several Gurnites turned up to help including Doc Grigor, in the picture below we keep his face hidden to preserve his anonymity (anonymity that all contributors to the Gurn are guaranteed if they wish it) . Provost Liz turned up too and helped encourage members of the public to sign the petition. Sandy Park, Graham Marsden and Larry Fraser emerged from the Courthouse towards the end of the petition session, none of them signed the petition but perhaps they have already done so elsewhere? Sandy Park stated that he was a Gurn reader, Graham too said that he had recently discovered the Gurn's existence. Will Graham change his mind and try to get the Lib Dem group to support the day centre? Can Sandy move mountains? We'll have to wait and see. Many folk stopped to say that they had already signed the petition in their churches or at coffee mornings etc, a few said they were still collecting signatures themselves.
It is quite obvious that outrage is building up in the community, several people mentioned a Press and journal article that states: 'Figures obtained by the Press and Journal under freedom of information laws show Highland Council spent £27million on consultants between 2004 and last year...' The Gurn has done a wee sum and believes that that money would have kept the day centre open for 771 years given that Highland Council thinks it can save £35,000 per year from this savage cut.
Please get involved - all the information in the articles below.

A vote of thanks to all the Gurn staff involved with this issue, and for the very quick community support for the day-centre.
The Gurn is read by hundreds of folk every week, take the lead of Provost Liz and comment if you haven't done so before (No need to leave your name if you don't wish to)
must have been a large passing dog that got the Doc then :)
You know what they say,"if your face fits."
Could have been a flock of seagulls of course!
Told you it wasnt a good idea for me to do a d.i.y. hair dye job...look at me know !
On no... I hope you've still got your famous DA hair style though Doc? :)
New colour matches your coat OK on the upside
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