Mysterious wooden posts have appeared on our west bankie. Speculation grows... small snow poles, path widening, or an addendum to the A96? The posts appeared several days ago but work people have not reappeared. Can anyone resolve this once and for all?
Update: 'bump' to the top for comment value.
I think it is indeed the line of the proposed Nairn by-pass AyeRight, it'll be good for getting tourists to the beach though!
Interesting - I was cycling along there today and thought how the path could benefit from widening - that way, you could have clear access for pedestrians and bikes, and pushchairs wouldn't have to push other people off the path. If it is a widening, it's a simple but useful measure.
- Brian
I thought all the Poles had gone home now?
Signs at the paddling pool end of the bankie and at the Sundowner end suggests that you are not supposed to be cycling along there!
But maybe if was widened far enough there would be room for all sorts of vehicles. I'm sure coach tours would prove very popular and increase tourism
Now that Inverness is to get its fourth Tesco's perhaps they could put one of them on wheels and let us get a loan of it on the quiet days and we could move it up and down the prom. People would come from miles around to enjoy the views at the check-outs?
must correct public information film.. Sundowner ? I am sure the chappie who owns the Sandancer amusement arcade probably is on a downer not only with mr/mrs information changing the name of his business he he, but a dramatic downturn in business each year, the busiest 2 weeks in nairns summer is his quietist, with folk spending there pennys at the showies,or at parkdean, would be sad to see that place shut down after many fond memories as a child going there
In reply to 'Public Information', the seafront path, from the harbour to the West Golf course, was adopted as a dual use ( pedestrian/cyclist) path during the dying throws of the former Nairn District Council.
The only section that isn't included is the narrow path around the seaward side of the Marine Cottages.
In a typical act of irony though, prior to the dual use adoption, a little man from the Council used to go and paint the 'No cycling' lettering on one end of the path........... then ride his bike along it to paint the same at the other end :)
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