One of the Gurn's unreliable sources is indicating that someone may have received a fixed penalty punishment of £50 for not cleaning up a doggie-jobbie. The Gurn further understands that this great advance in jobbie-enforcement was the fruit of persistant surveilance. 

If the rumours are indeed confirmed, then perhaps the effect may be minimal. In the vicinity of where the penalty was alledgedly enforced, there was a fresh £50's worth making long shawdows in the afternoon sun.
Maybe came back for his or her change from the jobbie ticket machine,only accepts number two's though.
An emotive subject. All dog owners tend to swear blind that it is not their mutt leaving the mess, nor them not picking it up when it does
I can only think we suffer from terrestrial dog turds,
maybe the £50 fine will help the heavens close?
Was wondering if the gurn had a zoom on his camera or did he for the sake of bringing us readers a fresh and juicy story have to get close to the offending jobbie ?
Maybe, the jobbie came to him,devilishly cunning those jobbies you know.Tread lightly everyone.
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