Monday, January 05, 2009

A 20 year recession?

Highland Councillor and anti-consensus heretic Roddy Balfour speaks out again, this time in condemning the waste water treatment upgrade at Ardersier as a waste of public money he states:
“They’ll probably say it is needed for the Sandown (Nairn) development, but I don’t think any of these developments are going to happen in the present financial climate. This recession’s going to go on for 20 years."
A Scottish Water spokesperson said however:
“The upgrade at the Ardersier treatment works is for developments at Whiteness and Inverness Airport that are definitely going to happen.”
He added that additional infrastructure for Tornagrain and Nairn was “way off in the distance”.
Full story on the Press and Journal site.


Anonymous said...

Unless you are living very much in past then it might have hit home the housing market is very much on hold.
Whilst we could applaud the council for being so far thinking to start work on an important infrastructure development such as waste treatment, would it not be better for the first foundation of any new housing scheme to be dug first?
Or might we also expect new council staff to be appointed soon to cope with the huge incoming population!

Graisg said...

Strange as it may seem Bob, it isn't our dear, much maligned, Highland Council that is to blame, it is Scottish Water that takes care of all this sort of thing now. Oh remember the good old days when the River Community Council and the Green Party were all handbags at dawn with Cllr Nigel Graham over waste water treatment in Nairn.
'Those days are gone now and in the past...'
Water and Sewerage was taken away from local democratic control.

Anonymous said...

Bet the council will still employ more staff on the back of this news, and build some new offices, and take Christmas and New Year off!

Graisg said...

oh ye of little faith in thy three convenors!

Anonymous said...

A twenty year recession - what does Councillor Balfour know that the rest of the world doesn't ?

Then again we all thought that dinosaurs were extinct but Councillor Balfour is living proof that we were wrong - they are alive and well in The Highland Council!

Anonymous said...

If there is going to be a 20 year recession could some of us on the 10 year waiting list for an allotment not be given some land please?